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Steel String or Classical?









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Buying an Acoustic Guitar --
Steel String or Classical?


Steel String

Steel-string acoustic guitar: Alvarez MD-80 headstockSteel-string acoustics are designed for performing a wide variety of musical styles from folk, country, jazz to rock and hard blues. They have a "big sound" that's great for either rhythm or solo performers. As the name implies, they use steel strings, which produce a ringing sustain and a brighter tone than nylon strings. You play these guitars using a pick or finger and by strumming.


Classical guitar: Alvarez-Yairi CY116 headstockClassical (or nylon-string) guitars produce less sustain and a more mellow tone than steel-string guitars. They are designed for performing Spanish, Brazilian, flamenco, jazz and, of course, classical music. You play them using finger-style techniques. The wider neck gives this style of player more room to get their fingers between the strings. Young kids may benefit from starting on a classical guitar because the nylon strings are softer on their fingers.

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