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Buying Electric

Buying an Acoustic Guitar -- Features


Electronic Pickup

The Takamine CD132 acoustic/electric features one of the best pickup/preamp combinations.An acoustic/electric guitar is an acoustic guitar with a built-in pickup. You can record your playing or plug your guitar into an amplifier to project the sound to your audience. Since you can play the guitar like a regular acoustic, using the amplifier is optional.

When you're starting out on acoustic guitar, you don't need a built-in pickup. It will not help you play or sound better. However, if the model you like is only available with a pickup, why not have one? Keep in mind that a built-in pickup may raise the price of a guitar, so you might be able to afford a better-quality guitar without a pickup than one with a pickup.


Takamine EC132SC cutaway classical guitar
A "cutaway" feature makes it easier to play notes on the higher frets (usually above the 12th fret) -- a benefit to more experienced players.



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